+ 2
I don't have hearts.what I do now,for I can have more?
15 Answers
+ 5
1 solution please buy a Sololearn Premium pack and get unlimited hearts or wait until 5 hours to refill hearts
+ 11
There are three ways to get hearts in sololearn:
(I) First way is to buy sololearn premium version for lifetime or for year
(Ii) second way is to give 40 bits. When your hearts are finished, they will ask you to leave or stay. You can tap on stay and give 40 bits to refill your hearts.
(Iii) Third and last way is to wait. Wait 5 hours to refill your hearts.
I hope you will understand.
+ 2
wait for 5 hrs
+ 1
Now I remeber why I uninstalled it:))
Help me please.
I don't have hearts...
One answer Please purchase a Premium pack to receive an infinite number of hearts. To replenish your hearts, touch on stay and contribute 40 bits.
i don't have hearts. What can i do for please give a ultimate heart i need a web development certificate please
Wait 5 Hours, then Get a Heart, Get 1 Thing wrong, And Not Finish The Lesson, And Not Get Any Bits, Repeat
i want three heart
i cant
no answer
martin dont have heart in sololaern
- 2
One answer Please purchase a Premium pack to receive an infinite number of hearts. To replenish your hearts, touch on stay and contribute 40 bits.
- 3
One answer Please purchase a Premium pack to receive an infinite number of hearts. To replenish your hearts, touch on stay and contribute 40 bits.