Can't access coding exercise for 16.2

I have completed everything up to it, including the lesson, and the lessons after it, but for whatever reason the quiz part of 16.2 "links" is locked.....any ideas why i cant do it? why its locked?

10th Nov 2022, 6:05 AM
USMC-Chris - avatar
2 Answers
+ 1
nvm, I'm retarded, I didn't do the one before it, SMH. Don't know how i missed it.
10th Nov 2022, 6:06 AM
USMC-Chris - avatar
+ 1
USMC ROMP Dont worry, it can happen... For example, some times ago, turning on my pc, i noticrd the monitor cant give signal .. Im started to che cables, restart my pc and at end i have turned off my monitor 😂
10th Nov 2022, 7:52 AM
KrOW - avatar