+ 12

Why html5 is not qualified to be programming language?

html5 can be used with js&css to make some animations, programs and games.What else is required for html5 to become a programming languahe?

12th Apr 2017, 8:14 PM
Inokisheo - avatar
10 Answers
+ 30
We can't implement any logic using Html5. For example, can we check logic of prime number using html5? No. We can't even calculate sum of two numbers using only this. We need a real programming language along with html5 to perform all these tasks. Like Php, c# etc.
12th Apr 2017, 8:20 PM
Shamima Yasmin
Shamima Yasmin - avatar
+ 13
It was originally designed as HyperText Markup Language. HTML5 itself is only markup (elements location and page info) language
12th Apr 2017, 8:21 PM
Dinmukhamed Mailibay
Dinmukhamed Mailibay - avatar
+ 11
Programming languages have certain features, like branching, looping, that sort of thing, that HTML5 lacks. HTML5 defines markup for some interactive features, but the markup is almost entirely static (there's someinteraction implied in the definition of select elements and such). A lot of "HTML5" features you hear about aren't HTML5 at all, but rather things you can do with JavaScript (a programming language) in a modestly-capable browser. HTML5 is increasingly taking over (or has taken over) the role of defining both the structure of web pages and the API to interacting with them from a programming language. That used to be quite separate, in the DOM specs, but a lot of that is now being folded into the HTML5 specification. But again, that's just defining APIs. The actual coding using those APIs requires (in almost all cases) an actual programming language.
12th Apr 2017, 8:39 PM
Inokisheo - avatar
+ 9
html itself needs control structures like if...else or switch...case and also loops (for, while, do...while) for starters. then there's a need for variables, functions and/or objects. also html is interpreted not compiled. if html had all the above mentioned, it would be a scripting language like JavaScript or Python.
12th Apr 2017, 8:21 PM
Mario L.
Mario L. - avatar
+ 8
HTML5 itself is like its name says just a "Hypertext Markup Language". Combined with CSS is just a bit prettier. Javascript itself can be seen as an programming language. For example it is also used to program a web server with nodejs.
12th Apr 2017, 8:23 PM
Daniel Thomalla
Daniel Thomalla - avatar
+ 3
good answer @Shamima
12th Apr 2017, 8:38 PM
Cole Reizenberg
Cole Reizenberg - avatar
+ 3
the academic answer is:because it is not Turing complete.
12th Apr 2017, 8:50 PM
Thanh Le
Thanh Le - avatar
+ 2
good @Tz
12th Apr 2017, 8:40 PM
Cole Reizenberg
Cole Reizenberg - avatar
+ 1
Probably to be able to do look and dynamic alone.
12th Apr 2017, 8:18 PM
Nicolas Bonnet
Nicolas Bonnet - avatar
Can someone help me in C # language please?
13th Apr 2017, 4:28 PM
レアンドロ マシエル
レアンドロ マシエル - avatar