Can someone explain how a destructor would work if I was to kill an enemy in a text-based game. Specifically the syntax I would use to make sure it was destructed once it's health reached 0
4 Answers
you dont need to do anything, destructors get called automatically when the object gets deleted. if youre not using something like std::vector from the container classes to store objects but are instead using raw pointers you just have to call delete. one other way to handle this is to store a bool in the class that keeps track of dead/alive, which also lets you reuse the allocated space for the next enemy.
So when an enemy's health was to reach 0 I should call this delete function?
depends on how youre storing the enemies. if you allocated the space for them dynamically using new, them yes.
Would it be plausible for me to say have an enemy class with base stats, have one constant instance of that class that I just add modifiers to between each battle depending on whatever factors I need (level, additional stats, etc) or would creating / destroying enemies be a better option?