+ 9
Won 6 challenges~19 exp. Lost 3 challenges~89 exp
12 Answers
+ 14
In similar terms, Nikolay would get 6XP for winning 6 challenges and lose 96 XP for losing 3 rounds. Never saw him complain. Hats off.
+ 10
Well, I posted this many times but it comes to my mind whenever I see a discussion on loss XP.
One day, I won 152 challenges and lost 6. Guess what, Resultant = 152 * 1 + 6 * -32 = -30 XP.
+ 9
Hatsy Rei posted this earlier:
Lose XP = 32 - Win XP, and then winning XP is determined by the win/lose gradient of both sides.
+ 8
The challenge system can be a pain, Sweet Emotion. Perhaps it's the difference between your levels.
I found some questions take longer to figure out than others as well.
+ 8
Same here, haha! I guess I need to revise the concepts again. 😆
+ 8
... and I've just been challenged. 😂 Brb!
+ 8
Sorry if it came off the wrong way @Hatsy. I was just venting my frustration about it. I think the system is good enough as it is. ✌
+ 7
I hope they increase the time limit on some of those questions. I certainly find some of them tricky or beyond my level of comprehension; how about you?
+ 7
Yeah. The time limit for the questions dont seem to be given in order of difficulty. I see a lot of easy questions with a lot of time while there is very little time for some of the hard ones.
But then, most questions are simple if you know the concept
+ 6
I know. Lost 2 out of those 3 challenges due to typos (just hate em). But the point structuring makes sense. Not really complaining out here. Just venting my frustration. Haha
+ 5
+ 3
if you a good and he is novice ... you can win 1xp and lose 32