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Intellij(maven) question
Im running some tests on intellij, when i run it it says "package org.junit..... does not exist" , so i reloaded the project by right clicking on the pom.xml file but now it says "package main does not exist", if i manually select main folder as the source, the first problem will repeat itself, any idea how to fix it?
4 Answers
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Do you noticed that
Note: This artifact was moved to:
org.junit.jupiter » junit-jupiter-api
So try
import junit-jupiter-api;
Instead of org.junit.jupiter;
Not sure, unless to see exact error. Hope it works...
edit :
Lenoname also before try by removing
<scope> test </scope> from dependency
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// did you added this dependency in pom.xml?
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/junit/junit -->
// <scope>test</scope> remove this line..
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These are in my dependencies:
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And i didnt add <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/junit/junit -->, is that bad?