Need some help please
I have a friend that keeps reviewing text messages with the following. And I donât know what it is. 1 of 10 FRM:The Hill SUBJ:=?utf-8?B?RW5lcmd5ICYgRW52aXJvbm1lbnQg4o MSG:96<*{box-sizing:border-box}body{margin:0;padding:0}a[x-apple-data-detect (C 2 of 10 ors]{color:inherit!important;text-decoration:inherit!important}#MessageViewBody a{color:inherit;text-decoration:none}p{line-height:inher Any help is appreciated!
2 Answers
+ 5
If the messages are unsolicited, they may contain harmful code, Trojan virus or phishing attempts. I would report and block such messages.
+ 4
It looks like some CSS...