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How to find string in text file from input field ? Then echo the entire line.

26th Feb 2023, 12:38 AM
Syafiq - avatar
2 Answers
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To find a string in a text file from an input field in PHP, you can use the following steps: 1) Retrieve the input from the form using the $_POST superglobal array in PHP. For example, if your input field has the name "search_field", you can retrieve the value using $_POST['search_field']. 2) Open the text file using the fopen() function in PHP. For example: $file = fopen("path/to/textfile.txt", "r"); 3) Read the contents of the file into a string variable using the fread() function. For example: $contents = fread($file, filesize("path/to/textfile.txt")); 4) Use the strpos() function in PHP to search for the input string within the contents of the file. For example: $search_term = $_POST['search_field']; $pos = strpos($contents, $search_term);
26th Feb 2023, 10:37 AM
Last - avatar
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5) Check the result of the strpos() function to see if the search term was found in the file. If strpos() returns a non-false value, then the search term was found. For example: if ($pos !== false) { echo "Search term found!"; } else { echo "Search term not found."; } 6) Close the file using the fclose() function. For example: fclose($file); Here's the complete code example: <?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $search_term = $_POST['search_field']; $file = fopen("path/to/textfile.txt", "r"); $contents = fread($file, filesize("path/to/textfile.txt")); $pos = strpos($contents, $search_term); if ($pos !== false) { echo "Search term found!"; } else { echo "Search term not found."; } fclose($file); } ?> <form method="POST"> <input type="text" name="search_field"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> Note: Remember to replace "path/to/textfile.txt" with the actual path to your text file.
26th Feb 2023, 10:38 AM
Last - avatar