+ 1

When sololearn gives certificate it use our profile name or it asks for new certificate name ?


4th Mar 2023, 12:01 PM
Unity Man
Unity Man - avatar
5 Answers
+ 3
When you open your certificate link, it will generate certificate with your profile name. You can download and save it. Also you can edit your profile name anytime, also regenerate certificate anytime.... Don't worry, you can find it after completing course.. Hope it is clear..
4th Mar 2023, 1:37 PM
Jayakrishna 🇼🇳
+ 2
I didn't get any certificate before but I think the profile name what do you think ?
4th Mar 2023, 12:03 PM
Unity Man
Unity Man - avatar
+ 2
The name used on the certificate is taken from your profile. However, you can edit your profile name and re-generate your certificate and the new name will be reflected on your certificate.
6th Mar 2023, 10:33 AM
Ceddy - avatar
+ 1
It's the profile name. Edit to your desired name, then generate certificate. You can regenerate after also.
4th Mar 2023, 12:18 PM
Jayakrishna 🇼🇳
+ 1
So based on jayakrishna's answer the profile name and the certificate names can be different
4th Mar 2023, 1:06 PM
Unity Man
Unity Man - avatar