Guys, can anyone try to finish this python program?
Homework is: A non-profit organization has announced a collection for charity. The collection is made by calling an audio-text number, and the machine saves the length of each call in seconds to a file. Write a program to find out from the recorded data ï number of calls ï the total amount collected in euros if the caller contributes 10 cents per second ï find out the largest value of the contribution The draft programme is: f = open("mena.txt","r") m = [] for riadok in f: m.append(riadok.strip()) f.close() print(m) vytvorenie dvoch zoznamov - kmena, priezviska / slice def najtext(zoznam): naj = '' return naj print("NajdlhĆĄie krstnĂ© meno je", najtext(kmena)) print("NajdlhĆĄie priezvisko je", najtext(priezviska)) zoznam = [] cyklus na spojenie mien a priezvisk a pridanie do zoznamu zoznam.sort() g = open("zoznam_pr_m.txt","w") for i in range(len(zoznam)): print(i+1, ". ", zoznam[i], file = g) g.close()