Intro to C# on Module 2 Quiz on Shorthand
There was a question that I thought I knew how to answer: Write the shorthand for the second line for the given C# code... int points = 50; points = points + 10; I thought the answer was: points += 10; Then I tried: points =+ 10; What is it? If you answered points += 10; Solorlearn said it's incorrect (https://s.mythoslife.com/eDur5N0J).
3 Answers
+ 1
Your first guess was right, points += 10;
+ 1
According to Sololearn that's incorrect? See https://s.mythoslife.com/eDur5N0J
+ 1
Contact SoloLearn info@sololearn.com
Explain what happened and include the screenshot. They will see through it.