Matlab Plot
Who can help troubleshoot this problem on matlab please. Itâs showing error clearvars, clc, close all % say we have f = x(1-x) , g = 8/pi*3 (sin pi*x); compare the two functions % create symbolic variables syms x pi; % create symbolic expressions f = x*(1-x); g = (8/pi^3)*(sin(pi*x)); v = linspace(0,1,51); f1 = subs(f,x,v); g1 = subs(g,x,v); plot(v,f1,'-.',v,g1,'--') grid on
1 Answer
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People are more likely to test your code if you LINK it instead of copying it to the description.
LINK YOUR COMPLETE CODE. Describe what output you expect and what error you get.