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Who can help me to correct this code
The code is about library https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/3222797/?ref=app
5 Answers
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Where is your code? I have click the link that you have posted in your question, but it says that it can`t find it, because you have deleted the code. Please upload the code and post it here as soon as possible, or remove this post immediately, as it is misleading. Thank you.
import pickle class Carte: def __init__(self, titlu, autor): self.titlu = titlu self.autor = autor self.client_imprumutat = None self.clienti_asteptare = [] def adauga_client_asteptare(self, client): self.clienti_asteptare.append(client) def returneaza_carte(self): if self.client_imprumutat: self.client_imprumutat.nr_carti_imprumutate -= 1 self.client_imprumutat = None if self.clienti_asteptare: primul_client = self.clienti_asteptare.pop(0) self.client_imprumutat = primul_client primul_client.nr_carti_imprumutate += 1 class Client: def __init__(self, nume): self.nume = nume self.nr_carti_imprumutate = 0 class Biblioteca: def __init__(self): self.carti = [] self.clienti = [] def cauta_carte(self, titlu): for carte in self.carti: if carte.titlu == titlu: return carte return None def adauga_carte(self, carte): self.carti.append(carte) def sterge_carte(self, carte): self.carti.remove(carte) def adauga_client(self, client): self.clienti.append(client) def serializeaza(self, fisier): with open(fisier, 'wb') as f: p
Mohamed Amandar Share your attempt and your code link, instead of sharing different OOP objects.