How to use the code coach
I'm new here and tried to solve some problem in code coach but it tells me that I have no output, should it be in main? In function? A return or print?
8 Answers
+ 5
xgr nthu ,
there are several issues that has to be fixed:
> no input is used, but a fixed value of 3
> missing else clause ...
> review both lines with the calculations ...
> read the task description.
+ 4
The output need to be printed.
+ 4
xgr nthu ,
if i take your current code as it is, it outputs 2 numbers. try it in playground, not as a code coach.
if you run the code in code coach, it will show that all test cases fail. (due to the issues i mentioned to you)
+ 4
xgr nthu ,
please post your ***latest code***, so that we can see your issue.
+ 3
xgr nthu ,
> we need to see your code attempt first, before we can support you.
> please save your code in playground, and post a link to it here.
The 3 is there just for test but every time I run it it says no output, even with the 3
Yeah ok I fixed the else thing, it was this way because I used a return statement, but still I get 'no output' error in the code coach
How do I make it to take input? Should I use argc and argv? Or is there something I'm missing?
And thanks for the answers