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What does "non-primitive data type" means ??
thanks in advance
6 Answers
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تعني أن المتغيرات غير أصلية أو ليست متغيرات خاصة بلغة البرمجة كمثال على ذلك string و class و struct و enumerated type و Object ... بينما المتغيرات الأصلية مثلا للغة البرمجة c++ فهي int , double , char , float , bool .
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Those datatypes which are user defined.
eg. class, structure (in C), enumeration, interface (in Java) etc
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non-primitive data types are not defined in the programming language but are instead created by the programmers.
objects of classes are examples of non-primitive data types.
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Data types which are not defined by the programming language but are instead created by the user are called non-primitive data types
ex: in Java, we often call them "Objects"
Non primitive data types are not defined by the programming language , but are instead created by us (programmer). They are sometimes called reference variables or object references since they reference a memory location, which stores the data.
I am not sure,was about to ask that