+ 7
Altair 8800 in Sunshine Autos in Vice City
I know everyone played Vice City in their childhood. But had you noticed that there is an Altair 8800 computer in a garage in Sunshine Autos. This garage only opens when you come in a car that is on the list which is pasted outside the garage. Please tell me if you noticed it or I'm the only one. Edit : I'm wrong, it's Kruton 9000
7 Answers
+ 5
It's Kruton 9000, man! 💻
Present in III, VC and SA.
+ 23
this makes me want to play it (yes, not re-play)
+ 10
^.^ ^.^
+ 5
+ 5
@Prince Take a peek:
+ 4
Is this GTA? If it is then I only played San Andreas lol
+ 1
I checked it,, its Kruton_9000.
I think when i first saw
i was playing some kinda mod
Thanks for correcting me