+ 3
Course to follow after introduction
Hello I completed the introduction course for python. I also started the python developer course. But they show things I havent learned yet. Whats the best course to do after the introduction? Should I first do the intermediate course or am I missing one? (I’m new to developing)
4 Answers
+ 3
Davy Van den Bossche it really depends on what you want to do... You can move on to the python intermediate course or if you want to learn about front-end web development ( html css js ) or you could explore introduction to sql..
Or you could choose to explore c language to understand cpython and or sklearn libraries that you might use later down the road.
If you are thinking about exploring say app development you might want to pursue Java, csharp, or Swift or Go ...
Davy without knowing you or your thoughts moving forward or what brought you to learning code or if you have a former background in coding .. Your question is open-ended.
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Davy Van den Bossche oh .NET development environment ( IProgress and Csharp ) .
As far as new app I'm guess is more javascript framework and libraries as well as APIs...
Yes python is one of the most friendly and easy to learn and yes learning the fundamentals in order is best. Unfortunately sololearn catalog has removed but hopefully will return some of their higher courses like Data Structure, Data Science, Machine Learning and hopefully include an AI course.
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I would say move on to Python intermediate, then developer
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BroFar , i’m working in a software company. Our old programs are in progress and c#. And our new app is javascript. I am working in the support department. Now, my goal is not to develop (for now) but more to understand the code of our porgrams more and to be able to get bugs out of it. I understand that python is an easy to learn language so I started with this. I was thinking of doing al the python courses (in the correct order) and then move on to other languages.
My endgoal will be that in the end I also want to be able to write some code (but first i want to understand it)