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If statement returns true despite conditional being false/not met
Hi guys, this code outputs yes no matter what I input. There seems to be a leak in the if else statement but I'm not sure what exactly. Can anyone help me with finding the problem and how I should fix it? https://code.sololearn.com/cfFe7k0wue7D/?ref=app
18 Answers
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Nessa Carter
Try the code below in the playground.
print("42" or "forty two" or "forty-two".lower().strip())
The result is "42".
So your if statement is effectively becomes:
if answer == "42"
In your writing the right part after "if answer ==" is a single expression.
It will always be True.
The correct way to write is:
if answer == "42" or answer == "forty two" or answer == "forty-two".lower().strip():
With this it breaks into 3 expressions.
You have to explicitly write each expression in coding.
Computer doesn't read sentence like human does.
+ 4
if answer== "42" or answer == "forty two" or answer == "forty-two".lower().strip():
+ 2
Hey Nessa Carter !
It will always return True, since the if condition works like:
if (condition1) and | or (condition2) and | or (conditionN)...
The if-else statement use boolean values(True or False) to work with.
Every variable with any types EXCEPT empty objects such as empty string, None object or number 0 is equivalent to True, you can check it by using the bool() function.
bool("Hello") => True
bool(None) => False
bool([1,2]) => True
bool([]) => False
The `or` operator checks if any of the condition is True, so your if-else statement works like:
if answer== "42" or "forty two" or "forty-two".lower().strip()
=> bool(answer=="42") or bool("forty-two") or bool("forty-two".lower().strip())
=> (True or False) or True or True
Since there are more than 1 True condition, it always execute.
You can fix it by making a list which contains all options and checks whether the user input matches one of the options.
n = int(input())
choice = [1,2,3]
if n in choice:
+ 2
Thanks for the explanation! But does that mean I didn't define the parameters properly? I wanted it to output "yes" if the user typed in "42" or "forty-two" or "forty two" while being case insensitive and also ignoring whitespace. But when I would input something other than the above, I would still get a true. Even if the boolean value was true for all 3 of the accepted input, in the sense that all 3 had an element and weren't empty or none objects, if the input wasn't any of the 3 mentioned above, why was it considered true anyway?
+ 2
Nessa Carter ,
I don't really get it. Could you elaborate it a bit?
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Nessa Carter ,
But for checking if the object contains the given value, you can use the `in` keyword.
"Hello" in "Hello world!" => True
"ab" in "hiabc" => True
"1" in "23" => False
[1,2,3] in [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] => True
+ 2
Nessa Carter ,
Check my previous message again..
This is how previous one works:
[ if (condition1) (and/or) (condition2) (and/or) (conditionN)... ]
if answer == "42" or "forty two" or "forty-two"
Evaluates to:
if (answer == "42") or ("forty two") or ("forty-two")
if (True/False) or True or True #Check the post I mentioned or see my previous message to know why.
Your new one:
if answer == "42" or answer == "forty two" or answer == "forty-two":
Evaluates to:
if (answer == "42") or (answer == "forty two") or (answer == "forty-two"):
if (True/False) or (True/False) or (True/False)
The if statement also checks for MULTIPLE conditions, not just one condition.
Sometimes, Programming languages' syntaxes do not obey the English rule.
+ 2
Dragon RB
I think I get you now
The error I made in my first code was that I did not put answer== in front of each accepted answer, right? So I did not correctly close the four walls and allowed any input to be considered as true, right?
thanks for your help!
+ 1
See the result with your eyes..
This page explains why it always execute better than me:
+ 1
Nessa Carter If the object isn't empty, None or 0, then it's boolean value will always be True regardless of its value..
+ 1
I understans what you are asking. People will say that you have not completed the conditions. Ex: input == condition or input == condition2 …. However, its likely related to a syntax error thats running the code through regardless of what has been entered.
answer = input("What is the answer?")
if answer == "42" or answer.lower().strip() == "forty two" or answer.lower().strip() == "forty-two":
This code works exactly how I want it to but I'm still trying to figure out what the difference is between the previous one and this one and where I went wrong with the first one. I can't seem to find where I went wrong with the first one
Wong Hei Ming thanks, I realized that afterwards!
Nessa Carter ,
Actually, I was trying to tell you that putting only 1 value as an expression will be always True if it is not None, 0 or empty object. Suggestion: think it is better to use lists to store all possible options, and check if the list contains the user input using the `in` keyword. This will be much convenient and more readable, instead of if ans == "a" or ans == "b" etc..
Dragon RB
Oh okay, I'll keep that in mind
Thing is, I haven't yet learnt lists but I'll try to learn and use them soon
Nessa Carter
learn about truthy and falsy values.
what is happening is your if statement is being translated to:
if answer=="42" or True or True:
which is the same as
if True:
which will always execute the print("Yes") branch.
As others have said, your conditional statement was badly formed.
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