for java applications superscript and subscript

for java applications , if I want to take data may be String from user( scanner class ) and this data contain superscript and subscript elements how can I make it ?

23rd Oct 2023, 7:08 PM
Kareem KoKa
Kareem KoKa - avatar
1 Answer
User Input: Imagine you're creating a little program, and you want the user to type some text. You can do this using Java's Scanner class. It's like asking the user to type something on their computer. Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Type something:"); String userInput = scanner.nextLine(); SuperScripts and SubScripts: Now, imagine the user types something like "2^3". You want to make it look like "2Âł" (with the "3" as a superscript). In Java, you need to tell the computer how to make this special formatting happen. You can use a simple rule: whenever the user types "^2," you want the computer to show "ÂČ" (with "2" as a superscript). Similarly, if they type "_3," you want the computer to display "₃" (with "3" as a subscript). So, you tell the computer to replace "^2" with "<sup>2</sup>" and "_3" with "<sub>3</sub>": userInput = userInput.replace("^2", "<sup>2</sup>"); userInput = userInput.replace("_3", "<sub>3</sub>"); Displaying the Formatted Text: Now that you've converted the user's input, you need a way to show it to the user. If you're building a fancy program with buttons and windows (like a game), you can use Java libraries to make it look nice. But if you're just printing text in a basic black-and-white window (like the old-school command prompt), it's not easy to make text look pretty with super and subscripts. You might use a library like Jansi to help make the text formatting a bit better in a simple console-based program. In a nutshell, you're taking plain text from the user, looking for specific patterns like "^2" and "_3," and replacing them with special codes like "<sup>2</sup>" and "<sub>3</sub>" to make them look like superscripts and subscripts. However, making them look pretty in a console application can be quite challenging, so you might want to consider using more advanced tools if you need better formatting.
23rd Oct 2023, 7:51 PM
Coderwe2 - avatar