Motivation and what programming language should i focus on learning
(I had to repost this because I donât think the previous got posted)I lost motivation programming for a while but recently i started learning python again .i lost motivation when i didnât know what to do and also i tried learning a bunch of programming languages that i think that i wasnât able to go in depth in any of them.so can you recommend me a language to learn and focus on.also how to get motivation.
13 Answers
+ 3
Junior's answer is excellent, I can reinforce it and I can add a few more thoughts.
- Sticking to one language until you reach a comfortable level of expertise, is much better, than jumping around.
- Set realistic goals. If you think a project or task is too difficult for you, try something easier.
- Practice all the time, as you learn. Use the new concepts in code. Write code for every new idea and functionality that you learn, try to figure out how it could be useful in a real programming scenario.
- Solve coding challenges. There are all sorts of difficulities from beginner to expert. Doing this will boost your problem solving and critical thinking skill, make you more experienced in the language features, and give you a sense of accomplishment and success.
- Don't be afraid to research on the internet. Knowledge is very easy to find through search engines. If you are uncertain how to use a language feature, look at the official documentation, they have plenty of examples and explanations.
- When looking for motivation, don't forget about your long-term goal and aspiration. Why did you even start learning programming in the first place? You probably have a carreer dream, a target skill, or a project that you want to create at some point.
- Learning is a gradual process that is different for every single person, and it will take your whole life to finish. One lesson, one course, one certification at a time, everything is just a stepping stone for the next level.
+ 5
Iâm going through the same crisis as you but I do have answers. It doesnt matter what programming language you choose to do.Once you learn and become good at one language then other languages will become easier to learn.Do NOT try and learn all at once. It will simply not work.All languages follow the same concepts but do different tasks. If you look at every programming language every single one has variables, conditional statements, loops, functions, etc.Basically,master the basics before going into something like OOP.Most people will say go into something like python because it has easier syntax and more readable i guess.Programming isnt about mesmerizing the syntax or what each piece of code does.Programming is about problem-solving, understanding the concept is better than trying to remember it.
All motivation starts from a thought or an idea.You must have a goal in mind for this motivation to continue.If you dont have a goal,then what the point?Motivation is all over the internet and especially youtube.
+ 2
I started learning python because i wanted to learn backend development.so i started learning python again because of its simple syntax.but then again i can also learn node but its syntax is a little complicated.my motivation was to make a game in javascript using canvas.i stopped when i had problems with the hitbox ,it would only check one time and then stops(the hitboxes check if the player is in it,if yes then display game over screen).
+ 2
Sridhar Patil ,
I recommend you take the "Tech for Everyone" course to get started.
+ 1
Also this question has been answered probably a million times on the internet but i just wanted to give my thoughts on this
+ 1
Shabad Randhawa By the way, when i said it didnt matter what language you choose i mean there is no better language. It is good to pick a language that you are comftorable with and want to do.
+ 1
Shabad Randhawa i never tried nor heard much abt golang. You can do some research.
+ 1
Shabad Randhawa ,
I can only speak for me, but my motivations have always been, and still are, 1. curiosity, and 2. pet projects.
When I first got into programming, it was just to check it out (curiosity), but I immediately got a ton of ideas I wanted to do (pet projects), which drove me to learn more about the language I was using. That makes learning fun, satisfying, or rewarding.
You know what I mean? I already had a use in mind before I learned something to fulfill that use, rather than learning a bunch of stuff first with no idea what it's used for.
I suspect that a lot of people get into programming because they think it's a good job, so their motivation is a chance at some money. In my opinion, that's a harder path, because they'll have to memorize a bunch of stuff just so they can someday do what somebody else wants them to do That makes learning a chore, work, boring.
+ 1
I initially came into programming because back then i wanted to programming robots.now i want to go into cybersecurity because it sounds like a fun job(you know ethical hacking) . I want to first go into defelopment like frontend and backend and then go into cybersecurity.
Thanks.Appreciate it.
How is golang like.is it good.
Hello everyone my name is sridhar and I am new to learning program so I don't understand coding and so please help me .tell me basics of coding to learn
I have the same problem
I'm interested in game development and app development but don't know what to choose
I don't have the resources for game development but I also don't know what best languages to learn for app development