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Someone learning ruby to go to rails?

I am learning ruby to go for r/rails. I want to learn to use this MVC framework. there are a few learning it today. But are there someone here thinking to learn that?

4th Jan 2024, 10:40 AM
Juan José Molina
Juan José Molina - avatar
3 Answers
Yes, in the spring, when I'll have a little more time, I wanted to take a closer look at the concepts of Ruby on Rails for a day or two.
10th Feb 2024, 9:14 AM
Alwin Collas
Alwin Collas - avatar
10th Feb 2024, 10:53 PM
Juan José Molina
Juan José Molina - avatar
there are not someone rigth now...the coments are very old. i finishes the rails course and it is very good framework. of course that on sololearn arent a course. but now i began with phyton here to start on dyango later
12th Feb 2024, 3:59 PM
Juan José Molina
Juan José Molina - avatar