Data Analysis: what comes after Sololearn?

Hi everybody, I finished the course Coding for Data here on Sololearn, and now I wonder what should come next in this journey. Does anybody have any familiarity in the field of data analysis that could share their experience? My focus for my career, ideally, would be towards computational linguistics, but becoming a good data analyst/scientist as a first career step would be good. At the moment, I only learned Python and SQL and I'm working on two data analysis certifications on Freecodecamp and for learning Python libraries such as Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib. Next steps should be towards Machine Learning with Tensor Flow. Do you know any good courses/certificates (preferably free) about the themes I talked about, or any other ones that would be beneficial? Thanks for your time!

4th Feb 2024, 11:16 AM
Giuseppe - avatar
5 Answers
+ 2
you have here some python courses: data science, data structures, finance others: machine learning, data science, sql, r try these too, and don't forget: practice makes you better (as our professors said at the university)
4th Feb 2024, 11:32 AM
Mihaly Nyilas
Mihaly Nyilas - avatar
+ 1
Thanks for your reply, Mihaly. I absolutely agree, practice is fundamental. These courses can jumpstart a person's path, but applying all of this in real world situations is a must. Where can I find the courses you are talking about? Are they found in the "By the Community" section or are these courses in the "Learn" section?
4th Feb 2024, 2:25 PM
Giuseppe - avatar
+ 1
Giuseppe , If you want more Python on Sololearn, there are two real courses. Introduction to Python Python Intermediate Any other courses that include some Python, such as Coding for Data, copy from those two. Since you already took Coding for data, which copies from Introduction to Python, your Introduction to Python is covered. What's left is Python Intermediate. Of course, you can take the courses that copy from the main two as additional practice too. Just don't expect new material.
5th Feb 2024, 1:07 AM
Rain - avatar
+ 1
Mihaly Nyilas thanks again, I will look into the the tool you recommended me Rain thanks for your reply. I already covered python in other courses until the intermediate/advanced level, but yeah, probably refreshing my skills here would be beneficial.
5th Feb 2024, 10:54 AM
Giuseppe - avatar
here, in SoloLearn, under the all courses (learn menu). I have completed all of them. as you mentioned freeCodeCamp, you can find there video tutorials as well. about the TF: https://github.com/kiteco/kiteco-public it was a great autocompletion tool for my VSCodium (still works well), it is discontinued because of the copilot, and the other AI powered tools. if you have a will, fork/clone the repo and make your own great tool :-)
4th Feb 2024, 5:23 PM
Mihaly Nyilas
Mihaly Nyilas - avatar