+ 2
Finished first in the Saturn league, yet no badge
I just finished first in the satuen legue and i recieved no badge and im competing in the saturn league again this week for some reason.
11 Answers
+ 5
bug reports go to info@sololearn.com.
+ 4
Rain Hey! Thanks for your reply :) After winning, I looked everywhere. The badge was grayed out. No notification or anything. Logged in just now to see that the issue has been resolved. Yay! Thank you again for your reply 🙏
+ 4
Zachary Van Stanley Good luck to you :) All it took for me was a simple email. This has been happening to a lot of people, it seems. 💫👍
+ 4
Zachary Van Stanley Good, good. Glad to hear 👍🐤🐤
+ 3
I’m having the same issue. Won 1st in Saturn League, but no badge. I emailed, so fingers crossed. Good luck to you!!
+ 2
Tyler ,
I see it in your profile.
+ 2
Brandi Hubbard ,
I see it in your Profile too. It's called Intergalactic Champion, and it's purple.
Maybe you have to reload to refresh your badges.
+ 1
Same here. I just looked to see if other people had the same issue
+ 1
An easy email worked for me
Thank you, wasn't sure were to go.
It happened to me to :(