Projects in Intermediate JavaScript

So I am taking intermediate Javascript. It's fun. But when I come across Projects, I often note that there are concepts on them that haven't yet been discussed. Is this a normal occurrence?

28th Jun 2024, 5:28 AM
M Isaac Torres L
M Isaac Torres L - avatar
10 Answers
+ 4
What's in the project that hasn't been covered? Are you asking AI for help? (AI could use anything from anywhere - it doesn't complete courses)
28th Jun 2024, 7:15 AM
Ausgrindtube - avatar
+ 5
The confusion with the Syntax and lack of introduction of concepts continues in Methods Lesson: We are introduced to Declaring/Defining methods: methodName = function () {code lines} Calling a method: objectName.methodName() <------I have yet to come across a lesson that tells us WHAT SPECIFICALLY can go inside the method function, meaning inside the ( parentheses ), so far, I have seen a variety of things but nothing has been stated in any lesson, except maybe an isolated instance where what is inside are called "arguments". And like someone else said: "we just jumped from console.log to document.write without a proper explanation that both commands do very different things". And now in the Contact Manager project we have jumped to print() without a proper explanation or introduction. It's clear its a method function by its syntax. Another example of this confusing and unnecessary syntax. function person(name, age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.changeName = function (name) { this.name = name; <-----This here should be: this.newName.......we are creating a new method function to change the name property of the person object constructor's name property: this.name There really is no need to assign the name parameter to the name property of the object person because we can simply create a property for the function changeName that changes/reassigns a value through the argument of its function. I tested this. And one can simply change the value of a property by: p.name = "solo" thus making the changeName function obsolete and redundant. } } var p = new person("David", 21); p.changeName("John"); <-----here we call the method document.write(p.name); <----and this here should be (p.newName);
28th Jun 2024, 7:07 AM
M Isaac Torres L
M Isaac Torres L - avatar
+ 5
M Isaac Torres L in the first page under Adding Methods it mentions how to call a method: "Access an object method using the following syntax: objectName.methodName()" b.print() follows that pattern. The object name is b. The method name is print().
28th Jun 2024, 9:42 AM
Brian - avatar
+ 4
I don't think it's "normal", and who knows if it's the plan... Maybe the idea is to look elsewhere to expand your knowledge. If you find something that really sticks out, it might be a good idea to report to info@sololearn.com
28th Jun 2024, 7:05 AM
Ausgrindtube - avatar
+ 3
M Isaac Torres L The process of adding methods to Objects is introduced in the very first lesson. In the cuboid volume. Object Methods Cuboid Volume Although I agree that the new revised lessons lack severely in the explanations... Important parts are just glazed over
28th Jun 2024, 10:20 AM
Bob_Li - avatar
+ 3
Definitely It's normal to run into new stuff in projects that you haven't learned yet in your JavaScript course. It shows how learning programming is always evolving. Projects push you to go beyond what you've already learned, which helps you get better at researching, solving issues, and learning on your own.
12th Jul 2024, 12:21 PM
Sanjeet Singh
Sanjeet Singh - avatar
+ 2
I know people post answers here for the difficult stuff. But I have no interest in those. I am more interested in truly understanding what is it I am tackling. The project was introduced in a manner I did not recognize. There are things that haven't been explained clearly in previous lessons. This is the project: function contact(name, number) { this.name = name; this.number = number; this.print = print; <--------------I assumed that ONLY parameters that were in the contact (name, number) would go here. I had seen in other lessons that you could add other things besides what was inside the function, but I did not know why, and I still don't. The lessons haven't exactly been thorough in their explanation of concepts. This can be confusing here. But you can check out the actual code in the project. I am definitely able to construct things by memorization, but without understanding exactly what I am doing, it's frustrating. } function print() { console.log(this.name + ": " + this.number); } var a = new contact("David", 12345); var b = new contact("Amy", 987654321); a.print(); <------This had never been introduced in any lesson before. b.print();<----- This had never been introduced in any lesson before.
28th Jun 2024, 7:18 AM
M Isaac Torres L
M Isaac Torres L - avatar
+ 2
M Isaac Torres L Thank you for sharing your feedback you can send email and we will inform it to sl team. As old course's upgraded and some course are new they did for new learner's that's why in some course content issue happened. It will be good if all user's share their issue, feedback in lesson that will be helpful for content team.
28th Jun 2024, 7:29 AM
R🍁🇮🇳 - avatar
+ 1
M Isaac Torres L Which project?
28th Jun 2024, 7:04 AM
R🍁🇮🇳 - avatar
I have asked Ai, but all it does is confuse me even more.
28th Jun 2024, 7:20 AM
M Isaac Torres L
M Isaac Torres L - avatar