Software de seguimiento de actividad de una pĂĄgina

Quiero sacar una cita en un pĂĄgina , pero las citas tienen mucha demora y quisiera saber cĂłmo crear un software/algoritmo para verificar la actividad y poder estar pendiente de las citas mĂĄs prĂłximas, bien sea que se cancelen y demĂĄs.

1st Jul 2024, 11:31 PM
Stiven cruz
Stiven cruz - avatar
1 Answer
Translation: Activity tracking software of a page — I want to make an appointment on a page, but the appointments are very late and I would like to know how to create a software/algorithm to verify the activity and be able to be aware of the nearest appointments, whether they are canceled and so on.
8th Jul 2024, 7:26 AM
Wilbur Jaywright
Wilbur Jaywright - avatar