+ 16
Do we all need to start making a portfolio site for some, if not all of our projects? Due to the changing global market?
Nowhere days it seems we need to start putting our projects/websites out there for others to see what were capable of, maybe this will help us gain more work through the use of Projects, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Profile/Social Achievements and display them, or some of them.
7 Answers
+ 22
Hi Daniel! Yes, definitely. Designers, creatives, photographers, they all work on their portfolio and keep it updated, I think web/app developers/programmers should not be an exception. Look at this guy's resume, I think it's the best portfolio idea ever: http://www.rleonardi.com/interactive-resume/
+ 17
@Will: I found it on Linkedin 2 years ago from a friend who is an IT recruiter and she recommended this for inspiration 😊
+ 12
I posted this to truly mention what a lot of programmers are feeling at this time, as many know how to code and have possibly done it for years, but either don't find the time these days to showcase their work and market it, due to their current workload or they don't know how to market themselves through Social Media effectively yet.
+ 11
@Paola you are right! That is the best resume/portfolio ever. It's a great idea to not only have an accessable portfolio, but a way that the person looking at it can easily view.
+ 5
@Daniel I agree. In my country there's a saying: "A shoesmaker always goes without shoes". It's sadly true. The portfolio and social media are very important.
+ 3
you have the right idea of how it basically works
+ 3
@Paola, that's the best portifolio ever . how did you find it ?