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python precision how to deal with without numpy
i have a written a function that returns that 2 numbers are equal if the difference between 2 numbers is <=1e-6 if abs(a - b) > eps: return False return True # 4 4.000001 in python i checked using print(f"{abs(a - b):.20f}") the difference is indeed saves as 1.e-6 something thats why i get false
6 Answers
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Dareen Moughrabi ,
if we have to handle decimals numbers without any compromises, we should not use float, but the data format `decimal`.
therefore we need to import the decimal modul. see a short comparison and sample:
+ 4
Dareen Moughrabi ,
here are some key points to `float vers. decimal in python`
> performance:
*float*: fast, since it is implemented in c and hardware-supported, suitable for most cases.
*decimal*: implemented in python (software based), so lower performance, used for high precise calculations.
> precision:
*float*: 64-bit, with rounding errors.
*decimal*: high precision, accurate for financial or math calculations.
> memory consumption:
*float*: fixed at 8 bytes
*decimal*: i think this is more memory-consuming due to storage model and some overhead ???
> handling:
*float*: is default in python, mostly supported in modules / libraries.
*decimal*: a module has to be imported, needs type conversions.
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Computers sometimes store numbers with tiny rounding errors.
To compare numbers like 4 and 4.000001, which should be 'equal' for your purpose, use math.isclose(a, b, rel_tol=1e-6) instead of if abs(a - b) > 1e-6.
This avoids those errors causing unexpected results because math.isclose() is designed to ignore tiny differences.
PS: I had a float error in my Diablo 1 curses clone when calculating remaining HP of enemies (int/int = float). I didn't use this, but just rounded as a simple solution. In your case, you might want floats so this is a Pythonic solution.
Note: Need to import math library
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PietPadda thank you
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Lothar do we usually default to float for memory reasons so decimal is more memory heavy but other than that it does the same as float?
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Lothar thank you this was really useful to read much learned from it 🙏