Can someone help me if the aspect ratio of an image determines its rectangular shape and how?
1 Answer
+ 4
Mahadhi Abraham
// Explanation of the ratio to px values:
// The aspect ratio is maintained using padding-bottom, which is a percentage of the container's width.
// For example, 16:9 means that for every 16 units of width, there are 9 units of height.
// To calculate the padding-bottom percentage:
// 1. Divide the height by the width (height / width).
// 2. Multiply the result by 100.
// This percentage is then applied to the padding-bottom property, creating a proportional height based on the container's width.
// Example: 16:9
// 9 / 16 = 0.5625
// 0.5625 * 100 = 56.25%
// So, padding-bottom: 56.25% creates a 16:9 aspect ratio.
// The actual pixel height of the container will vary depending on the container's width.
// If the container is 600px wide, the height for a 16:9 ratio would be 600 * 0.5625 = 337.5px.
// The key is that the ratio is maintained regardless of the container's width, thanks to the percentage