Is the walrus Operator antipattern?
I just stumbled upon the Walrus Operator (:=), https://www.pynerds.com/walrus-operator-in-JUMP_LINK__&&__python__&&__JUMP_LINK/ I was startled by how such a syntax could exist in python when they literally do not allow the ++ operator which is equally ugly. Do you think the walrus operator is antipattern?, I can't imagine a scenario where it can solely make sense without making code hard to read. Why not just use multiple assignments?. huh. See demos: https://www.pynerds.com/visualize/?code=14bdc68e-34a5-4e36-9037-153e998f927e https://www.pynerds.com/compiler/?code=14bdc68e-34a5-4e36-9037-153e998f927e
4 Answers
+ 6
The walrus operator can be needed in some cases. It makes the program shorter and easier with less efforts. Python does not supports ++ operator because it is designed to be a more explicit and readable language. The += operator helps making more sense.
+ 4
Walrus operator is a "nice to have" feature IMO. You can write code without it, and no one force you to use it.
It gives you more options to complete a job. And use it or not is your call.
+ 4
John Maina ,
from my point of view the walrus operator (assignment expression operator) is not an antipattern.
in the attached file you can find 2 code samples. one is doing the task *without* the walrus operator, the other one is *with* walrus operator.
see more details in the file.
+ 2
I could remember walrus was part of the late 2019/2020 update to python. It was such a nice life changer for oneliner like me