+ 4
How can i make a high graphic game ?
my wish is a create a game by best story , high graphic , etc . i learn programming but i dnt know how can make my wish true !
8 Answers
+ 9
In addition to UnrealEngine you should look at CryEngine it's very very professional and powerful.
It makes your GPU on its knees. Some titles like FarCry, Crisis, Home front, sniper ghost warrior are built with it. but its learning curve is longer than unity or UnrealEngine.
+ 32
I recommend the Blender3d Game Engine utilizing python scripting, and console interaction.
It's also amazing for C.A.D., running simulations/animations, and robotics.
Blender is a spectacular app, and should be in every developers toolkit in my humble opinion.
+ 7
look into unreal game engine
+ 7
some big studios bought CryEngine and even improved it for exampke Ubisoft improved it and called it Dunia if you wanna see it's power, play FarCry Primal with a nVidia GTX 1080 graphic card. but I think starting with Unity and UnrealEngine is easier.
+ 4
its an application for pc. it lets you build games with both drag and drop, and coding with c++
+ 4
yea there is also one called unity, which i use, but unreal engine has capability for next gen graphics
also advise you to check out unreal engines prices. if there is a free version, im pretty sure is has a limit to the amount of income you can make from your game
+ 2
is that a console or app ?
+ 2
woow thanks dude