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What happen when use dynamic memory in different programming language?
6 Answers
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but in c there are problems from heap such as fragmantation so what we do to overcome this?
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Good question! You must be doing some embedded programming if you're worried about this.
What you are looking for is a memory pool. The details are more than I can get into here but the basic idea is that you allocate a block of memory (usually the size of the heap so any other allocations fail) and then assign blocks of memory to the pool. Usually implementations include FIFO block allocation or a lifetime allocation with semaphore access.
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Here's a few (pulled from searching "c memory pool"):
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In all languages dynamic memory is allocated to the heap.
In C any allocated memory must be manually deallocated.
In C++ well designed code should deallocate memory when allocated memory falls out-of-scope (see RAII and smart pointers).
In C# and Java nearly everything is allocated to the heap and the virtual machine's garbage collector deallocates unused heap space in blocks.
can you please give me link to do that?
link ? code?
any help