+ 1
How can I use this to write say a virus?
If I wanted to write a program that could infect a computer and make it part of a botnet(group of computers that I could control) can this language do that? if It can what if the computer cant read the language. Will it be immune? Or will it force the computer to learn.
6 Answers
+ 1
Brody, C can C++ be used to write the widest range of software, e.g. operating systems etc.
Nevertheless, openly asking a question that tries to evaluate whether to learn a programming language depending on its ability to write illegal code makes me think that the motivation to learn might be ill-founded.
+ 1
@Brody: Well, botnets are as a term a net of computers that oftentimes unknowingly host the botnets services that are most of the time, I would assume, installed against the the will of the computer owner. It's not distributed computing like, e.g. BOINC, where you have to willingly subscribe to providing services to projects. It's done in secret and very likely against your will, so I find your statement highly doubtable.
stefan u hav facebook or anything?
Hi Suhail, I'm not a member of Facebook. You can still contact me via disposable email: sololearn.10.stygian@spamgourmet.com as I try to keep contact details from public access.
ok thx stefan
botnets are not illegal on there own. its based on the action of the virus that makes it illegal. but I see your point