Can anyone help me on the error messages generated in test1 ? - i'm playing with genetic algorithms
2 Answers
+ 10
random() is not a method.
You can import the Random class:
import java.util.Random; // top of program
Then use either:
Random name = new Random();
name.nextInt(((max - min) + 1) + min);
new Random().nextInt(((max - min) + 1) + min);
To generate a random number (int) from (x,y); where max = y, min = x.
Let me know if there are any more errors after this fix.
edit: To add to what I said, for a random number from 0 to x-1 you can just use Math.random().
So for a random number where you wrote: "int midPoint = int(random" etc.. to the array length.
You could do: int midPoint = (int)(Math.random()*genes.length);
Instead of having to make/use a Random object.
extra info:
This is allowed because the random() method is static, so you can call the method random() in Math without creating an instance of the Math class.
Thanks for your help restoring faith - unfortunately - I get these error messages:
..\Playground\:9: error: illegal start of type
import java.util.Random;
..\Playground\:9: error: ';' expected
import java.util.Random;
..\Playground\:9: error: illegal start of type
import java.util.Random;
..\Playground\:9: error: ';' expected
import java.util.Random;
..\Playground\:9: error: <identifier> expected
import java.util.Random;
..\Playground\:33: error: '.class' expected
int midpoint = int(random(genes.length));
..\Playground\:33: error: ';' expected
int midpoint = int(random(genes.length));
7 errors
This is just from adding:
import java.util.Random; // top of program