+ 7
Who irrating with XP Problem...( Because when you win a match you Get only 5XP and when you lost match you loss 27XP)
19 Answers
+ 18
So if I start challenges in a new language it won't start off wins: 1xp and loses:-32xp? Thats one reason I havn't tried anything else. At first I thought it was level based.
+ 18
+ 17
I've only gotten 1xp for wins for like a week now. Not sure how to get more then that again...
+ 17
@Nikolay Nachev 😲what a penalty for mastering a language. Guess I'll do that after the Guru badge😀 Anytime I have a typo bam 32 xp gone. Gotta win 32 games after that to break even lol
+ 10
I am not ,I dont challenge but accept all 😎
+ 10
eventually sololearn will have more higher rated players for you to steal from. its like when chess.com started it took people a while to hit their ratings, and then tgy even had a bit of inflation to deal with.
when two people above 1700 play, those questions are truly on another level of thinking from those mindless 3xp challenges that are so common. goinng beyond your limits, that is how to learn here. I suggest that if you're dead stone set on a high rating by facing off noobs, you are not challenging yourself. and as you see some of those noobs sometimes kick your butt (because you are just memorizing answers like them). you may want to revaluate your approach as it seems inferior to someone who cares not about his rating but prefers to be humiliated and learn from his mistakes, know his limits
maybe in the meantime the app can start showing us the experience before you click the challenge? it's something I would do if it were my app, but they might be afraid it's unfair somehow to do that. otherwise you switch between screens a thousand times just to find a decent opponent. pretty annoying when you see a level 10 and think it's good, but no sorry fslse alarm he's just starting c# so 1exp for you
+ 9
Challenge in a different language.
+ 9
@Hossam Elbadissi - chill mate, you seem a bit obsessed 😉
+ 7
@Kryptic I know exactly what you mean 😉
+ 6
When you lose against a lower level you lose a lot of XP, and if you win against higher level you win a lot of XP and vice versa.
+ 6
Drastically is like Amrit said. If you have much experience and lost, you give "part of your experience"
+ 6
@Kryptic only way is to start playing another weapon in which you have no XP
+ 6
that's inherited from the time when every language was in a separate app. It's based on your language XP.
+ 3
Good point Shane