+ 3

Is it possible that question submitted by us in the quiz factory may be asked you in the challenge?

I have faced a similar situation recently and was shocked. Somebody else faced this thing [edit] : The question was approved.

30th Apr 2017, 1:22 PM
Rishabh Agrawal
Rishabh Agrawal - avatar
4 Answers
+ 6
Even worse when you got it wrong on your own question! ;)
30th Apr 2017, 3:45 PM
Kuba SiekierzyƄski
Kuba SiekierzyƄski - avatar
+ 4
Of course. You shouldn't be surprised if you had earlier seen an "Approved" message ;)
30th Apr 2017, 1:23 PM
Kuba SiekierzyƄski
Kuba SiekierzyƄski - avatar
+ 3
Yeah the question was approved but how would a challenge be exciting if you face your own question..
30th Apr 2017, 1:25 PM
Rishabh Agrawal
Rishabh Agrawal - avatar
+ 2
Your question must be upvoted several times to be aproved
30th Apr 2017, 1:28 PM
⏩▶Clau◀âȘ - avatar