Offline Compilers and Intepreters
List of Offline Compilers and Interpreters for Android: Anacode IDE - Java, HTML, CSS, XML, JS, JQuery, PHP, etc. Java N-IDE - Java, Supports Android Development C# to Go - C# QPython - Python 2.7.11 and 3.5.2 CppDroid - C++11 support ArduinoDroid - Arduino Sketches on Mobile! Ruboto IRB+Core - Ruby (Interpreter and Compiler) SQL Practice Pro - SQL Pydroid v3 - Python IDE, with C++, C and Fortran Compilers, and Kivy, PIP, SDL and Qt Support. CxxDroid - C++14, supports addons like Boost, ncurses, etc. Termux - Terminal Emulator for Android. Can be used to install compilers and interpreters to the native device and execute commands and scripts. JvDroid - Supports Java SE 11 (OpenJDK11) and allows for use of Maven projects and libraries.