write a program to check a number is prime or not?

11th Aug 2016, 4:13 PM
Jujagiri Hemanth
Jujagiri Hemanth - avatar
3 Answers
Other than 2 all prime numbers are odd. The code above checks for odd or even if it is odd then the program must check all odd numbers below it for a remander. So 47 must be checked against 3,7,11... And so on i left out 5,9 because it is quick to check if a number is divisable by 5 it would end in a 5 or 0. And 9 is divisable by 3 which was already checked. If i had a quicker way id be rich. Lol look up prime number prize.
12th Aug 2016, 2:44 AM
Clint smart
All we need to do is to check is the number is divisible by any of the numbers greater than 1 and lower than its square root: int n; double sqrRoot; bool isPrime = true; n = Int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); sqrRoot = Math.Sqrt(n); for (int i = 2; i < sqrRoot; i++) { if (n % i == 0) isPrime = false; } if (isPrime) Console. WriteLine("{0} is a prime.", n); else Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime.", n);
12th Aug 2016, 8:07 PM
Tomek Cymes
Tomek Cymes - avatar
- 1
a prime number is one tht can be divider by 1 and itself. so u can write a logic so tht the number u entered will be checked to these condition. you can use thi for example: for (int i=2; i <=number; number ++){ if (number%i ==0){ Console.WriteLine ("Number is a prime"); } } something like this..you can always improve
11th Aug 2016, 5:16 PM
Hacker Hacker
Hacker Hacker - avatar