write a program to check a number is prime or not?
3 Answers
Other than 2 all prime numbers are odd. The code above checks for odd or even if it is odd then the program must check all odd numbers below it for a remander. So 47 must be checked against 3,7,11... And so on i left out 5,9 because it is quick to check if a number is divisable by 5 it would end in a 5 or 0. And 9 is divisable by 3 which was already checked. If i had a quicker way id be rich. Lol look up prime number prize.
All we need to do is to check is the number is divisible by any of the numbers greater than 1 and lower than its square root:
int n;
double sqrRoot;
bool isPrime = true;
n = Int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
sqrRoot = Math.Sqrt(n);
for (int i = 2; i < sqrRoot; i++)
if (n % i == 0) isPrime = false;
if (isPrime) Console. WriteLine("{0} is a prime.", n);
else Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime.", n);
- 1
a prime number is one tht can be divider by 1 and itself.
so u can write a logic so tht the number u entered will be checked to these condition.
you can use thi for example:
for (int i=2; i <=number; number ++){
if (number%i ==0){
Console.WriteLine ("Number is a prime");
something like this..you can always improve