+ 3
Why teach frames? Aren't frames deprecated in the latest (HTML 5, as of this post, 05/06/17) standard?
the <iframe> element, admittedly is still widely used and under consideration to be extended. the <frameset> element, on the other hand, is deprecated and does not render properly in most current browsers. It seems a mistake for SoloLearn to teach it, though I believe HTML5 is the subject of one of its subsequent courses. Why not teach the current standard from the start? Perhaps for HTML emails? Any other reasons?
3 Answers
+ 6
No not at all.My school teach me about <frame> :)
While they need to teach me <iframe>
But tha....Two of them give same Result :(
+ 4
What is deprecated in latest Html5 is the <frameset> ( and so the linked <frame> element ).
The <iframe> element isn't deprecated at all, and is even recommended in certain circumstances ^^
Permissivity of Html, provide browsers capacities to correct invalid code: it's widely probable that an invalid <frame> will be interpreted as a <iframe> ( guessing you've made a typo mistake )... so, you will not see any difference, until exploration of DOM with developers tools ;)
Anyway, <frame> wasn't the same as <iframe>:
+ 2