+ 3
How many of you even dream about programming? Or obsessed with errors and get all those in your dream (horrified)
3 Answers
+ 20
The errors are chasing me!!... Aaaaa!!!! ^_^
+ 3
Hi you guys and girls here... I know the majority here is quite young while I am an older programmer that started to code at a time even before DOS. You had to learn by trial and error, because there where not many people at that time that newvmore then you did. However, the hard and software products where changing so fast that keeping up with the latest was a real race against the clock.
It was a fun time, at least for me and I spend all my free time coding and learning atvthe same time.vI had an average sleep time of 8 hours a WEEK not a day...
And here is my warning to you all. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, take a time out on time for your sake. I ruined my life and my health with coding and traveling worldwide for businesses purposes. Finally I was wrestled down with a huge Burn Out.
Don't even think it can't happen to you, it will. I don't want to scare anyone but, please take care of your self, you live only once and coding is a job or hobby and NOT A LIFE STYLE. So good luck and a lot of fun to you all ...