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I Did Not Know That [Python] 😃 BOOKMARKED - A thread for learners to share their latest little discoveries / A-Ha! moments
A shared little Diary/Notepad for all Python beginners/learners 😃 (or maybe just me) NO VOTING & NO COMMENTING, Please. If you don't understand what someone has posted just ignore it. A typical post would be very short and look something like this ... EXAMPLE - "I.D.N.K.T. that you could put a loop inside another loop. This is also known as creating a 'nested loop'."
4 Answers
IDNKT you can create Android apps using only Python.
IDNKT ' QPython3 ' existed - it's an alternative IDE for Android smartphones.
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IDNKT you can create moving animations in the console of an IDE
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IDNKT there was a Python library for creating/splitting/merging PDF files.