+ 1

Do you sometimes feel like your code is "too simpel"?

So I got a feeling and need multiple oppinions I started on a small pong game in a console window, first real challenge for me At first I felt like a genius figuring out how to use for loops and cls for the movements and so on but after some time it turned into an "if else quiz game" as how I like to call it Theres nothing special to it, just alot of if else and some functions .. I've seen other codes and how amazing they are, with smart algorithms and classes objects everything but mine .. is it normal?

17th May 2017, 9:02 PM
Vodolle - avatar
4 Answers
+ 5
Simple is fine.Like John Rambo said. If it works and it works well. Why worry? @Rambo.. lol What name next week?
17th May 2017, 11:16 PM
jay - avatar
+ 4
don't worry about simple vs complex. Worry about does it function flawlessly? does it look good? does the computer paddle offer a good challenge? Sometimes the simple way to do something is the best way to do it. Pong is a great early program. If you want a bit more challenge, Maybe your next game should be Snake. not too difficult, but a good step up from pong
17th May 2017, 9:06 PM
LordHill - avatar
+ 3
programming is like art. many programmer (artist) may code(draw) the same program (picture) but will code(draw) it differently
17th May 2017, 9:19 PM
Abdelaziz Abubaker
Abdelaziz Abubaker - avatar
+ 3
I never know until I am sick of the current one lol
17th May 2017, 11:17 PM
LordHill - avatar