Can anybody plz define me the meaning of procedure oriented?
6 Answers
+ 1
I think that's a quite old term, actually. Procedures are often times considered to be functions (from functional programming) with side effects.
Procedure-oriented programming is a contrasting programming paradigm to object-oriented programming.
There we use functions that's why we call it procedure oriented m I right?, stefan
The important part is that procedures not necessarily have no side effects. Functions, on the other hand, in a strict interpretation have no side effects, i.e. only manipulate memory that is local to them.
Object orientation is something very different to functional programming as objects represent memory outside of the functions themselves and this memory is commonly modified (exactly the side effects I was talking about earlier). Object orientation is, from that point of view, an opposite approach to programming.
Okayi got it 🙌
Excellent 👍
Stefan could u plz tell me the working behind the pattern printing programs