+ 5
How complete is Sololearn courses?
I just completed c++ course and now I have this question, did I learn everything? or should I search for more on the Internet? what about the other courses?
16 Answers
+ 8
its just beginning dude you have to keep on building real code capability to emerge as a good coder keep learning .keep rocking
+ 6
You need to make C++ codes from what you learned.
That is one way to improve your skills.
Try using one or both of these on your computer, if you do not have them installed already.
Visual studio (Windows only, works best on Windows 10)
Code Blocks
+ 5
Congrats on finishing the C++ course.
Now you have 11 more courses to do.
+ 5
So you finally finished the course of C++ just as I did about 10 minutes ago. Your next step would be to get a handbook on programming in C++ because you still need a lot to learn.
You just mastered the overall introduction to programming in C++ and there is still a lot to learn. That's something that's going hand in hand with a serious programmer and the ending continuity of learning. It never stops, you will learn something new every day as long as you keep writing code. This is the way it has been for me as I started coding in the early 70th and even today it us still that way.
Agreed, changes are not following as much and quickly as they did in the past century, but they still do. One more advise I like to give to you all future coders...
Stay together and share your knowledge as you did here at SoloLearn. It will be only in your own interest and benefits. Together we know more than, we do as individuals, that has always been that way and it will never change.
Congratulations to everyone that took the steps to start a career in programming the thing's you're able to do are almost endless. My time is perishing as time goes by, but I believe in you all. You are at the steps of innovation and progress for human kind...
+ 4
Also this site is a good resource for C++
+ 3
complete everything :)
+ 3
you need to learn and practice programming language like java and also web developing languages
+ 2
well Solo courses are good for basic knowledge of language. But for practice You have to learn much more. I personally think that Solo should add some other stuff to their courses, mainly introduce more packages. This would make this app more usefull.
+ 2
you learned the basics. Now you need to practice. Write a program that solves a simple task. Can you write it or do you need to know more?
+ 2
From what I have seen thus far, the courses here are a good starting point, but like anything, it is an ongoing process. Just because you gain a bit of knowledge on C# or another language here, that does not mean you have all the skills necessary to develop apps. If that were so, there would not be books for advanced skills being released, etc. The courses here serve as the first few steps into a very productive future. How much you get out of what you glean here, however, is dependent upon you and how far you wish to go with your studies.
+ 2
I complete HTML language
+ 1
Learn or you have any problem questions discuss...ok
+ 1
Never stop leaning. There are also tons of resources on general programming that are mostly language agnostic and are basic guidelines and best practices for coding. Memorizing a language is a small part of programming a functional and complete project. The courses here are like primary school English, they teach you the words and basic structure, but until you learn some College level English you will always be "speaking like a third grader".
you learnt the basic you have to keep searching
mnsha allah nimco waa dadleysaa wllo halkaa ka aad
hadda isku dey c#