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Please help me to understand this topic i cant understand by reading
3 Answers
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it is a simple explanation :
in c++ we have four types of data.
and we use them to declare variables .
first is integer it is for numbers.
keyword : int
Ex: int x=5;
second is character it is for letter .
key word: char
Ex: char x='a';
if you want more than one letter in charater data type you can use []
Ex: char x[]="welcome";
remember this ' ' for one letter , however this " "for a sentence.
third is float it is for numbers that have decimal as (12.3)
key word : float
Ex:float x=3.5;
fourth is void . and it means nothing , we can use it for speacial functions.
keyword : void
Ex:void show(){
if you have any dout ask ...
+ 2
all data types? O o
data types used by the compile4 to determine the sIze of the variable to reserve in memory and the available operations to be made against this variable