+ 2
why wont this code work?
so im just trying work my knowledge in practise rather than just learning the matter and filling out exercises so i decided to play with SVg but the code wont work, can someone tell me whats wrong with this code? <html> <svg width="100" height="100"> <rect width="200" height="70" fill="orange" /> <animate atrributeName="W" from="0" to="150" dur="7s" fill="remove" repeatCount="5"/> </rect> </svg> </html>
3 Answers
+ 2
lol , there is no attribute name w
try this
<svg width="1000" height="250">
<rect width="150" height="150" fill="orange">
<animate attributeName="width" from="0" to="300"
dur="3s" fill="remove" repeatCount="2"/>
+ 1
</svg? should be </svg>.
+ 1
@Bagshot thats what i wrote in my code, i only mistakenly wrote question mark im my question