Will I be able to add graphics like in java using this tutorial?
4 Answers
+ 2
You aren't able to do any graphics with the standard library. You're going to need to look in to some third party libraries, and learn them.
I recommend SDL, great library for graphics, not too hard to learn, and you can even make games if that's what you want to get in tođ
Plenty of tutorial series on Youtube, or you can follow LazyFoo's tutorial on the SDL website.
I would recommend getting very comfortable understanding with basic C++ concepts before you delve in to such libraries, particularly pointers and classes (along with class features such as inheritance), you'll see them used a lot.
+ 2
Honestly, just practice concepts you learn as you go along. And there are many different tutorials online that you can look up. No need to go through entire series, but just look up anything that catches your eye that you feel you could improve on, or you don't know how to make.
Going back to practicing, when you are creating your own little play-around programs, if there is a certain bit you're stuck on, just Google what you're stuck with and chances are there is someone on Stack Overflow who's had the exact same problem as you, and someone has answered it with a function that you could use or something. You can then apply this knowledge to your future programs, it's all trial and error.
TLDR: Practice, and research :p and take your time; don't jump in to the deep end. As you are also experienced with Java and such, learning concepts from C++ shouldn't be too difficult!
+ 1
Thanx a lot Mr. Creber. Any recommendations on just learn c++. I-ve learned a lot from this app, but not close to enough... I have done c and java in the past so I know the basic principals of programming, but I just want to learn c++ well enough.
Also that guess on gaming was spot on :D
Maybe ASCII graphics XD