+ 2
What learn next??
After learning HTML... Which one I have to learn next .. suggest me
6 Answers
+ 4
thanks. @amar
+ 2
CSS, and then JavaScript and some responsive design framework.
+ 2
Maybe this can help you:
+ 2
I would suggest learning CSS next as it is the next step in creating webpages that look nice. You have probably already been writing some style code inline, but CSS helps organize your code into different files. After that I would think about learning JavaScript because JavaScript will help you create some additional functionality within your websites. Finally, I know you didn't ask this far out, but PHP and JQuery, in my opinion, could be next as they will help you write simpler code and read and write to databases.
+ 2
@shriramsaini You are welcome
+ 1
@jeffrice .I agree with you a hundred percent.
and thanks for your great suggestions .