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Ideas for C++
Hello Guys, I'm new to C++ and i want to write a simple program in C++. The problem is, that i don't have any fantasy so I ask you if you can help me to find inspiration. Thank You
9 Answers
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Do you really have no ideas? It might feel like so, but I have a feeling that if you explore and try new things long enough, you'll find inspiration from within.
May I ask, what motivated you to start learning codingin the first place? That might give a clue to what you should do.
I had the same problem 10 years ago, when I first took up learning programming (in Python), I knew it was my kind of hobby and how useful it could be, but my progress was very slow because I had no goals. I wa just reading tutorials and doing exercises, but that's just a small part of programming.
After a few years, I started to realize how much I could improve my productivity and organizing skills by creating my own scripts and programs. I love project management apps, but none of them have been just right for me, so it's a huge source of motivation to know I can create something completely personal that will help me workk better. I've now also applied that to VR/AR, automation and other tech that improve lives.
Video games are another thing I'm passionate about, and one of my first programs was indeed a text adventure, but it's such a long term goal that it's not enough to sutain my passion. Of ourse, there's no need to focus on just one thing!
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find prime numbers. Write a program that removes all vowels from a string. a program to change a user input string into Morse code. make a Fibonacci sequencer. Write a program that changes every other letter to capital. maybe a program to convert rgb codes to hexadecimal and back.
Check my codes and the codes of others for ideas. you don't even have to look at the actual code if you don't want. most of the code names alone will give you lots of ideas
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Thank you for all yours ideas! I want to write a console version of battle ship. First fir two players, later i want to make it able to fight against a computer
Write to find prime numbers
Just google 'C++ ideas beginner' and you'll find plenty 😉
I want to make a code that is useful like my last one, a counter. Its not really useful but its better than calculating prime numbers.
converting the rgb value to hexadecimal is useful. how else would someone know that (255,0,255) has a hexadecimal of #FF00FF .. and if you didn't know that and wanted magenta colored text on your website you would be stuck
Try to make a program that prints your comment.