+ 1
What does A B C D E F mean in color hex-codes?
I just wanna now cus i dont get it.
3 Answers
+ 8
A hexadecimal color consist of three pairs of symbols. Each pair represents one of the Red Green and Blue value. 00 to FF is the scale from 0 to 255.
white is #FFFFFF cuz is the highest on the scale:
Red 255
Blue 255
Green 255
BLACK is #000000 cuz it is the lowest:
Red 0
Blue 0
Green 0
The values of each pair on the scale go like this:
00 01 02...99 9A 9B ... all the way to FF
+ 2
Thanks you are the best guys! :DD
+ 1
ex. #000 or #000000 mean black. #FF0000 Red. #FFFFFF White