+ 1

Why do I have to learn normal HTML first?


5th Jun 2017, 3:11 PM
Sowilo - avatar
3 Answers
+ 12
You dont need to learn HTML first if you are not going to be a web developer, as long as you want to be a web developer HTML is the basis need
5th Jun 2017, 3:17 PM
Awele Omeligwe
Awele Omeligwe - avatar
+ 4
In order to make an animal you must first make it's skeleton. Html is the skeleton of a webpage, CSS is the skin and JavaScript is the brain. So web-developers must learn Html at first. 😊
5th Jun 2017, 3:17 PM
Cyrus Ornob Corraya
Cyrus Ornob Corraya - avatar
+ 3
Because HTML5 is built off of the foundations in normal HTML. All you really get in HTML is more stuff. Normal HTML markup works in HTML5. You have to understand the basics to understand why the HTML5 constructs are useful.
5th Jun 2017, 3:16 PM
Jason Runkle
Jason Runkle - avatar